Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Your fingernails reveal a lot about you
From: Anitha @ Fidelity (Bangalore)

  • "Clubbing" occurs when the tips of your fingers enlarge and your nails curve around the ends of your fingers. This can be a sign of low oxygen levels, so doctors will check for lung disease.
  • Spoon nails, or nails that curve upwards and have enough of an indentation to hold a drop of water, are a sign of iron deficiency.
  • If your nails look opaque but show a dark band around the tip, doctors will check for diabetes or liver disease.
  • Beau’s lines are horizontal indentations that run across your nail. They indicate a temporary cessation of nail growth, which is usually caused either by a traumatic injury, poor nutrition, or as a reaction to medication.
  • White spots on the nails can indicate a zinc deficiency.


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